An Update from the Staff of 1812 Productions — 1812 Productions

An Update from the Staff of 1812 Productions

Hello Everyone

We hope you’re well and finding creative ways to pass your time in quarantine (which is a sentence we never thought we’d write!). As we look to the coming weeks, we want to update you on our conversations, plans, and some new goings-on at 1812.

First, some fun news— starting this Thursday, April 2nd at 6pm, we’re going to have the first episode of a weekly live video called I Put On Pants For This! I Put On Pants For This features 1812’s Producing Artistic Director, Jen Childs, and her husband Scott Greer talking comedy and 1812 history. It’s a casual 20-minute conversation about how some of our favorite works came to be, some of our favorite performers, and maybe even a scene or two. We hope you’ll join in— and while they’re wearing pants, you certainly don’t have to! Make sure you like our Facebook Page HERE and join us on Facebook Live on Thursday for good laughs and good conversation. (No Facebook account? No problem! You do not need to have a Facebook account or password to watch as our page is public and visible to everyone. When you go to our page HERE, ignore the banner asking you to log in or create an account and scroll down past the sections labeled “Photos,” “Videos,” and “Reviews,” until you get to ”Posts.” Our video will appear here. And don't worry, if you miss it, it will be available to view again shortly afterward!)

Two weeks ago, when we announced the postponement of our spring musical Tyndale Place and the temporary closure of our office due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we anticipated being back in the office by April 1st. Well, as we all know, the effort to flatten the curve marches on with lots of brave people on the front lines doing all they can to keep us safe. As their work continues, our staff will go on working from home for the foreseeable future. We are keeping abreast of Philadelphia and CDC recommendations and will reassess regularly. You can always reach us at, via Facebook Messenger, or by leaving us a voicemail at 215-592-9560.

More fun news: we’ve just added some very cool merchandise to our site HERE. T-shirts, pins, CDs and more— it’s a fun way to support 1812 and get your hands on some delightful swag in the process. You can also support 1812 Productions by making a gift HERE, either through our website or through any mobile or desktop device to our Square account. Any support is appreciated and we promise to put it to good use in the coming season!

Thanks, everyone. Stay safe, stay home— we’ll see you again soon.

The staff of 1812 Productions—

Jen, Jaime, Tyler, Dave, Ben, Lance, Emily, Kate, Peter, Tanaquil, and Marla

Here are Jen and Scott, wearing pants, getting ready for Thursday's I Put On Pants for This! Photo by Mark Garvin

Here are Jen and Scott, wearing pants, getting ready for Thursday's I Put On Pants for This!
Photo by Mark Garvin
